Luxury & Lifestyle

Kaleidos’ activity in the Luxury & Lifestyle business stems from its partners’ deep knowledge of the sectors. Thanks to this factor, the company is able to select the right international counterparts for its clients’ needs in the sphere of M&A transactions.
In this context, Giacomo Santucci’s profound experience assumes strong relevance. Mr. Santucci has held senior management positions in leading Luxury groups, gaining an extensive knowledge of international Luxury markets, as well as expertise in the Retail and Italian Lifestyle sector.
Kaleidos is therefore a privileged speaker for private equity funds operating in this field.

The recent evolution of the Italian agricultural and food sector, driven by the emergence of players active in manufacturing and commercial business offering high-quality products and services, has in fact created a premium market niche in the Food industry, with international scope and significant potential for global growth.
The expertise gained by Gino Lugli, in his two decades as a top manager of Ferrero Group, allows Kaleidos to offer specialized insight, in particular with regards to brand value and the dynamics of large-scale retail distribution, offering solutions for the international expansion of its clients’ brand and/or concept, with a hands-on approach to new projects.

The Italian industrial fabric is made up of medium-size manufacturing enterprises with a history of being centers of excellence in their own specific field. However, often, such companies lack the necessary drive towards internationalization, which can also be achieved through M&A operations.
Kaleidos supports its clients during the growth process on foreign markets, and during extraordinary equity- raising transactions.
As part of our Turnaround and Special Situation expertise, in addition to our Debt Restructuring services, we select suitable industrial or financial partners to support corporate turnaround projects.